Janet’s Blog

Be delusional

Delusion is a superpower.

Most great things start out sounding delusional.

Something groundbreaking is almost always unconventional, crazy, and creative. Else, this "new thing" mustn't be very special at all.

These ideas come from people who by definition are a little delusional. They delude themselves into thinking that they, of all people, will be the ones to make this work.

That something is so wrong with the way things are, that they feel compelled to change this about the world.

But there's a risk to delusion.

After all there is such thing as too much delusion. When you let your delusion blind you from seeing things for what they are.

Like any superpower, it's its application that matters.

There are people who use weapons to fight crime and others who use weapons to kill.

Delusion is like that. You must be deluded with heart. With sincerity.

Without delusion, there would never be change.

Delusion is a superpower, and I choose to use my delusion for good.